Sunday, March 25, 2012

A lesson from my Grandson

God always knows what we need and when we need it. He knew a message from my Grandson would pick me up. When I went to the mailbox there was an envelope with this special message inside.What I love most about this it came from his little heart. Dylan, my Grandson of only age 5 decided he would like to paint this for me. He must of heard Mommy talking with me about not feeling well. So at school he put on his Picasso face and the little artist shared from his heart and asked the teacher to write the words at the bottom, signed Dylan.  You can only imagine his mothers reaction who mailed it to me immediately. Thank-you Dylan for making Grammie laugh today. I took his picture and hung it in plain sight so I can see it everyday. I was visualizing him getting his fingers full of paint, his shirt sleeves rolled up, with a big grin on his face and really believing he had a message he wanted to share in this painting for his Grammie. This  painting is hanging on my wall in my office because it makes me laugh and cry just knowing a little boy was thinking about me that day at school without any coaching to write these special words for me. The innocence of something so simple brought me so much joy.

It reminded me of a story of Jesus. He loved little children so much. Their fun loving spirits are inquisitive,curious and wanting to always learn and be blessed by Him. They yearned for His attention seeking guidance ,approval and more importantly Love. Even as adults, the bible teaches us that we are to come to God as a little child.  ("Mathew 10:14") Shouldn't we all react with the same innocence with love? Wouldn't it be great to be able to share our deepest thoughts without fear when someone is placed in our hearts and to say," I care".
 Out of the mouths of babes,in the same simplistic way this little man taught me a lesson today: simply express:
"I Love you "

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