Sunday, March 11, 2012

Absolute Mercy

I heard this quote from Beth Moore and it goes like this:

                  God Places us in positions beyond our capabilities so that we will be at His absolute
                  mercy, realizing that only He can succeed!

 I have been reflecting on my last 6 years and how God has graced me with Life.I am so grateful that I have been able to do so much and truly Live Life with quality. I remember trying to bargain with Him because I wanted to live and I had so much more I wanted to do and then I was writing down my accomplishments that I thought He would be proud of. In my obedience to Him I said send me and I will shout to the mountain tops what He has done. But the greatest gift he gave me was  my faith to simply Believe. When the prognosis is slim, where do we turn? For me I pressed into Him. I had no-where else to turn.

Today, I have to be honest it hasn't been that great of a week and I really didn't want to make this blog a debbie downer by any means. I felt called to start this with great hopes it would help somebody, not thinking I would have to re-live a moment in time literally. Obviously, God has something else in mind as I write this so humbly. This week my Doctor told me my cancer is back. Full blown stage 4 terminal cancer in my abdomen with 1 year prognosis. That was like a whip lash and not really what I was hoping for this year.

So this time around I am going to share my thoughts, feelings and progress very openly.
When I went through this before I was more withdrawn and kept to my self alot and resisted sharing my prognosis. Because of my book being out now and all that God had shown me in that journey, the lessons along the way He taught me, the strength I received during this time, I thought it would be much easier to share each step in hopes to prevent any in- accurate information. I will be sharing all my natural alternative protocols, my good days and bad. If anyone has any  questions please feel free to post, then nobody has to wonder, they can go right  to the blog.

Do I think I will beat it again..ABSOLUTELY.  I will be traveling soon back to Arizona to my Naturopathic Medical Doctor. I can't get there soon enough!! So until I get there I am back to my rigid diet and when I say rigid I mean it. Nothing goes into my system now that is even questionable if it isn't good for me. Last time I brewed special tea formulas and drank shark cartilage smoothies, etc. UGH...I will be the first to admit how extremely hard and challenging this is.

So please pray and believe for me and my family during this time. This is the most important thing I request now. When your health is jeopardized you search for the answers with God's help to restore it. I know He will guide me through this again. I have to say I am not a fan and I Hate cancer but it will not define me. I am claiming victory today and I walk with Speaking Life to Me today for that is the first step of Healing.


  1. Mama, I am SO glad you are blogging. It can be so healing, as we have talked about, getting your feelings out when you are in your most shining or even in your darkest moments. You WILL and HAVE beaten this before. I am here for you, I am your strength. I admire you Mom your journey WILl help someone and I think writing your feelings will help you too. Love you SO much!

  2. thinking about you and dad and praying with positive thoughts everyday! lots of peace and lots of love, dana ann

  3. When the storms of life are raging and the billows are tossing high; He will bring you out.

    Trouble all around you, no help is nigh; He will bring you out.

    Trust in the Lord with all Thy heart; He will bring you out.

    In all Thy ways acknowledge Him; He will bring you out.

    No matter what you're going through, there's a higher place He wants to take you through; Oh He will bring you out.

    Keep the faith, stay in the race, grow in grace; He will bring you out.

    If you call on the name of Jesus; He will, He will bring you out.

    Trust and never doubt Him; He will, He will bring you out.

    Lean not to thine own understanding. Trust and never doubt Him; He will, He will bring you out.

    ~God Bless~
