Monday, April 9, 2012

Meditation and VisualizationTherapy

Arizona countdown......Only days before I take off into the warmth of the desert....I am looking forward to the beautiful sunsets, warm sunny days, a daily routine of IV therapys,walks in the desert but more importantly finding Peace with God. It seems I hear those small still voices the most when I am in the comfort of my surroundings. No distractions but just seeking God and visulizing His healing power even with the IV in my arm dripping a pure vitamin C drip. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our day to day it becomes hard to hear Him with all of our busy-ness. As we just celebrated Easter I  made the commitment to celebrate the cross and the sacrifice every day. The message my pastor gave at church inspired me to not let this be a one day a year event. My relationship with Christ is the most important thing to me. He suffered a hideous death not even comprehendable to me. Because Jesus suffered for you and me; all we need to do is Believe. Sounds so simple but we make it so complicated. He did it for our sin and our sickness of disease. So I am placing all my Hope in Him for my healing. I am counting on the Word of God and the scriptures. I am Receiving His divine assurance of what happened at the cross and the resurrection is for me today. I LITERALLY SAY IT, I Repeat over and over, "By His stripes I am Healed".
 " (Romans 4:23 -25) states those who trust in what Christ has done will receive favor and blessings from God" But even as a Believer I still struggle in my own weakness. My pain of this disease doesn't compare with what He experienced and I am reminded of that especially at Easter. It seems I get the strongest attack from the enemy when I am grumbling and murmering of the unpleasantness of it all. As I look forward to the atmosphere of the desert it reminds me of  (Jesus) and the bareness of the land excemplifies of His lonliness He must of experienced. As I look forward to the atmosphere and warmth of Arizona realizing the beauty of the desert is differant..In the midst of the bareness of the land, in the thorns of a cactus; a beautiful flower will appear. And as I draw nearer to Him, I feel Him, around me, comforting me, giving me strenth each day to persevere. Believing in the midst of this He has a plan for me as I walk through each day trusting in this aggreement with Him there is LIFE even in the desert.That no matter what it looks like now there is Hope. He will meet me there in the desert of Arizona. I will talk out loud, I will dance for joy because Jesus is alive . I WILL FOCUS ON HIS PRESENCE,  NOT ON THE DISCOMFORTS OF THE DISEASE like a cactus prickling, but THINKING OF THE CROSS, THE RESURRECTION AND HIS DIRECTION! There a beautiful flower will appear.

1 comment:

  1. LouAnn... just found your blog and love it. Trusting that you "will not die, but LIVE and declare the works of the Lord." Psalm 118:17 We need your witness in our lives, we need you in our lives, and we need you at Pathways, so get strong and get back from AZ refreshed and we will speak life together! Love you :) Kathy
