Monday, March 5, 2012


Tears fall and it hits us all at differant times because of a pain we are experiencing. It might be as we are remembering the loss of a loved one as I am doing this week. I am reflecting on the memories of a little girl, always so bubbly, and full of laughter. There is a great emptiness I feel because we lost someone so precious to a disease that I have struggled with and then God said "no more."

 When we love, there will be tears. I believe God made those tear ducts for a reason to help us grieve and get all that emotion out. I remember periods of time in my battle when I would cry alot because I was fearful of what was to come and the thought of leaving behind my family. But that becomes so emotionally exhausting. I had to find a strength inside of myself, pull myself together and believe in God's promise.

The promise of Heaven. When I turned my eyes toward the possibility of this glorious spaw retreat with no pain or sorrow , just thinking about a reunion with all my loved ones and them meeting me at the gate, smiling; eventually my tears will stop and the sun will beam again but for today let me cry....

Luke 23:43 "I tell the truth, you will be with me in paradise

We love you Kellie, see you on the other side in "paradise".

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