Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Clinic, the first few days...Let the Battle begin

It is always pure relief when I walk into those clinic doors. Because I know the care and compassion that exist's there. The genuine warm feeling the staff shows is comfort and healing. Dr. Sam's concern and understanding heart is on the forefront everyday, it is such a blessing to be under his care and expertise.

Monday Day 1: After my heart to heart with Dr. Sam I started my day with the usual thorough blood work and urine analysis. I was anxious to get that over because I had to fast and my belly was yelling "feeed me" then 75 cc of IV therapy of vitamin C, the microwave treatment which is lethal to cancer tissues but not injurious to other cells like radiation would be,  and an occasional shot in the buttock is quite a jolt to the system today. My body is getting an amazing amount of high quality supplements and it will boost my immune system but usually those first couple days, there can be a cleansing reaction and it whipps you. All those vital nutrients actually causes fatigue. I wasn't even quite sure how I drove back to my homestead. Thank God he is my pilot and is carrying me. I was able to relax for the evening.

Day 2: I woke up a bit more bloated in the abdomen today, the accumilation of fluid was very uncomfortable, probably from the IV's so I was anxious to get back to the clinic to  see my bloodwork results. I always get anxious to see these results because they tell the story. Dr. Sam was concerned about the fluid and the bloodwork so we  changed things up today and did a Poly-MVA IV with not so much fluid intake, no C's today, but I did  the microwave therapy which I should explain is this piece of equipment which heats up the area of concern above normal body temperature. I started oxygen today since cancer doesn't like that either. Dr. Sam thought a diretic to get some of the fluid off too. It's all about balance. The numbers from my blood work were not what I was expecting. I think we always have in the back of our mind that it isn't going to be that bad but numbers don't lie. The crazy thing was although my CA 125 marker was high, most everything else looked normal. Normal range should be <36, mine was 323 H. The CA 27.29 normal range should be <38 and mine was 794 H....Ugh, I wanted to cry.When I started this protocol 6 years ago I had more out of range results so was I to be encouraged by that??  Dr. Sam put on his game face with me and said we will fight this and get through it. He saw my frustration and ck'd on me periodically through out the day.

Day 3: Felt much better today upon arrival of the clinic...back to the IV of C's and usual protocol.
            After the clinic I wasn't as fatigued today so I went to Wed. evening church to receive my strength in God (Ex.15:2)...The Lord is my strength , he is my power, my lifter to face this trial

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