Friday, May 4, 2012


As I come to the end of my 3 weeks at Wellspring Clinic I have endured numerous needles for IV infusions, oxygen, MMR, immune modulation, CT scans and a rigid diet. I had numerous days that I felt horrible and then I would rally the next day. I experienced tears and joy, questions and confirmations. My Grandchildren and daughter visited me and made me smile. Even though my adomen has been swollen like I was 6 months pregnant for months and I have been so uncomfortable it felt like an elephant was stepping on it, I have been able to see breakthrough. My daughter and I laughed when we could and relaxed in the sunshine. Although the IV's were putting extra fluid on me  we would have to adjust the treatment so I could be more comfortable. I have felt love, strength, healing and peace in Arizona and from home, friends afar encouraging me each day. God always giving me something positive to focus on.
Alternative therapy is mind, body and spirit. I have done each proponent and God has led me in every aspect, giving me direction with these channels.
Believing all this time that a comprehensive treatment of Natural therapy was going to kick this cancer, detox my liver and lymphatic system to give my body the strength it needs to fight this ugly disease.

Dr. Sam, clinic staff and friends
I had the wonderful experience of meeting new friends and visiting old. I was treated like I am their only patient. There was so much compassion and concern for my well being; I felt from all. They celebrated my birthday with me too. I have been blessed to experience  the support and prayers from so many and have seen God's hand in orchestrating the provision.
Poolside at the Timeshare

Each day I awoke to the warm desert sun and it's beauty without a cloud in the sky which was my inspiration, motivating me to keep believing God has a plan in this ordeal. Just keep on keeping on, one day at a time and giving me the ability through the fatigue. But yesterday as I woke up very early to feeling "ugh" again and knowing I had to take my daughter and grandchildren to the airport was looking like an impossible feat. I felt a sadness because I had to say good-bye. I was sweating profusely with cold chills then hot flashes. I was loosing massive quantities of fluid; to put it kindly, out of my body not knowing what was happening and feeling so horrible. Amber was contemplating weather to leave me with her " Mother" in this condition. I am so grateful for her support and loving maternal way with me. God knew I needed her here this week. As the morning continued and feeling a bit dehydrated I felt as though the balloon had popped in my abdomen and the massive gush of water that had been stored up, came off of me.  I felt I had  birthed a baby. But "No" baby. I have not had a flat stomach for awhile, so going through this uncomfortable, became clearer to me it was something that needed to happen. I was able to make it to the airport, rallying by noon.

True faith that is what this is! Doing this protocol has been no picnic these few weeks physically taxing on my body but my suffering doesn't compare to what  Christ suffered. So I will keep focusing on the victory , His word and no matter how difficult this trial is; I am believing in God's promise of healing.

What I didn't share with you was on Sunday my family and I went to a special healing service where people come from all over the world and experience God's Healing presence. Something very special happened that day. We had a special invite to this "little chapel" from a lady whom I had met at the clinic just on Friday. DO you Believe in divine appointments? I do!! As we are driving to this beautiful chapel  nestled in the valley of Camelback Mountain we are amazed at the beauty in the surroundings. There was limited seating and we knew we should be there early. SO something happened between that service on Sunday and Wednesday spiritually. I left that Chapel with solace and a peace knowing  I am on the right track with my healing. "Just be patient" I heard in the whisper of the trees. I felt His presence even though I couldn't see him I knew He was there. Even some of the best miracles in the bible took time. God is seeing my grief, my tears, pain and frustrations. I will continue to stand firm on His Word (Psalm: 125) if you trust in the Lord be Firm as Mt. Zion un-moving in any circumstance. God is getting me through......BELIEVE!

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