Friday, June 29, 2012

Time to Celebrate

Britni @ Prom

Children really are your greatest accomplishments.
They can make you laugh, they can make you cry, they can make your heart race but nothing makes you prouder when you see them excel in Life and they give credit to God.I am so proud of all my kids.

Life does go on even in our struggles but my children which really are not children but young adults have been able to carry their own torch and stand firm while their Mom is doing what she needs to do to get well.

Britni medaling at States, Track & Field
I came home to celebrate my son's college graduation and my youngest daughter Britni's H.S. class project presentation, prom,qualifying and medaling at States. Each preparing their own way, making choices for their future. I am Blessed to have Amber, Chase & Britni in my Life. That's what Life is worth fighting for.
Chase Graduating from Point Park University

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