Saturday, October 20, 2012


I came across a quote that said," Hope is the struggle of the soul, breaking loose from what is perishable and attesting her eternity"

This reminded me of the butterfly struggling in its cocoon and as it is struggling it is building strength to take flight. As I am reflecting on this battle of "cancer", which is such a struggle somedays and really no fun at all, I have learned to release it to God because it isn't my battle at all but the Lord's. As  he is stretching me in many ways I am learning to persevere for sure, but it is my Faith which has grown so inconceivably. Without this struggle would I have gotten to this place with my Lord where I have to trust Him so much?? The strength developing within me is coming from the struggle. When the world says there is no hope, His word says there is hope.

Do we really Believe in our prayers being answered and God doing miracles?

Sometimes God draws us into nature and shows us a symbolic beauty of His creation to tell us something. I usually pay attention to these type of things when they happen to me, especially if it happens  more then once. For me  these last few months there have been a season of butterflies. Everywhere I go, even in places you wouldn't normally see a butterfly, a flutter sails by me as a reminder that my struggle is only temporary. I was sifting thru a box of things my Grandma had owned and a vase with butterflies appeared. I had even been googling on the internet the topic of enzymes, something so important to take with cancer patients and I just happened to stumbled across an enzyme that comes from a silkworms intestine where it allows it to digest the tough leaves and disolve its hard cocoon to take flight. Then there is a beautiful card a friend had sent with an illustration of a butterfly. I had even been listening to a CD by Sheryl Crow and in a beautiful song titled "Always on your side"she sang ,"Butterflies are free to fly." God definitly works in mysterious ways, trying to get our attention, sometimes so subtle we don't even realize he is teaching, molding speaking to us with signs and wonders other then an audible voice. I always ask for billboards because I miss the mark  and it would be so much easier if he would speak to us that way. So now, I look for these moments and maybe this might be my language with my heavenly father but  it sure calms my soul and gives me Hope. In these moments of quiet, He speaks to me loud and that is when I feel His breath of encouragement. I am going to get through this "transition" and  "fly."  I will celebrate "Life" and it will be victorious. I am embracing the power of the gospel because it "Speaks Life to Me."

"Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly" - Proverb